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Period Timeline

This is a chronological list of British Kings and Queens starting from the Act of the Union of 1707 – the unification of the English and Scottish kingdoms as Great Britain.

  • King William III (1695-1702)
  • Queen Anne (1702-1714)
  • King George I (1714-1727)
  • King George II (1727-1760)
  • King George III (1760-1820)
  • King George IV (1820-1830)
  • King William IV (1830-1837)
  • Queen Victoria (1837-1901)
  • King Edward VII (1901-1910)
  • King George V (1910-1936)
  • King Edward VII (1936)
  • King George VI (1936-1952)
  • Queen Elizabeth II (1952- )

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Latest Newsletter #59

The Colors of Summer Antiques 🌞

Greetings from Wyler Antiques!

We talked about the colors of Summer, flowers and gardens in our last Announcement. As many people mentioned to us how much they enjoyed reading it, we have decided to continue with this theme and how it relates to our merchandise.

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