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Purchase/Buy Back

Do we buy merchandise?

The short answer is yes.

We are selective in what we purchase and prefer to concentrate on merchandise of the same quality and similar to what we have illustrated throughout our website. Also, we are quite interested in buying back our own merchandise. If you have any articles that you are interested in selling or you think we would like to buy back, the best thing to do is email us at Please send a description of the object you would like to sell (including size and weight, if possible) as well as photos of the object and any associated hallmarks and/or stamps if this is pertinent. Please include your phone number so we can contact you if the item is of interest to us. If this is not for us, we can try to recommend someone who may be interested.

Our Newsletter

Once or twice a month we send an informative email to our subscribers about all things antiques. We love to answer questions and dive into the history of antique silver, porcelain, and glass. Read our email archive here.

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Latest Newsletter #59

The Colors of Summer Antiques 🌞

Greetings from Wyler Antiques!

We talked about the colors of Summer, flowers and gardens in our last Announcement. As many people mentioned to us how much they enjoyed reading it, we have decided to continue with this theme and how it relates to our merchandise.

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