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Antique Amethyst Glass Plate

  • England, circa 1860
  • Dimensions: 7 1/2 inches diameter

Amethyst glass is a type of colored glassware with a deep purple hue as exemplified by amethyst gemstones. Adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to any home decor, the color amethyst is always appealing. Amethyst glassware became popular during the mid 19th and early 20th centuries as it was rarer to find than the more common and preferred colors of green, red, and cobalt blue. Today, the color amethyst is still admired and just as popular as ever before.

A lovely Antique Amethyst Glass Plate that adds wonderful color to a room. Perfect for catchalls or for little desserts/candies at the end of a meal, our plate is in excellent condition and can be used quite often.

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The Colors of Summer Antiques 🌞

Greetings from Wyler Antiques!

We talked about the colors of Summer, flowers and gardens in our last Announcement. As many people mentioned to us how much they enjoyed reading it, we have decided to continue with this theme and how it relates to our merchandise.

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