A fine stoneware, called Ironstone China, was introduced in England in the early 19th century. It was patented by Charles James Mason (1791-1856) under the name “Mason’s Patent Ironstone China”. There is no iron in ironstone, and it is not porcelain or made in China. It got its name because of its strength and durability. It was produced in Staffordshire and was relatively inexpensive; therefore, it was easy to mass produce. The colors are derived from Chinese Rose Medallion and Madarin designs and Japanese Imari.
A charming small Antique English Mason’s Ironstone Jug/Pitcher in the hydra shape with an octagonal shaped body. The Jug is set on a green background and has 4 different squares which are highlighted either in a peach or a wonderful orange color. Inside these squares are pagodas which are set within lovely landscapes. At the top of this Jug is a vibrant orange color wide border with scrolls, flowers, and geometric figures. Gilt is prevalent throughout this Jug and enhances the piece as a whole.
Our Antique English Mason’s Ironstone Jug/Pitcher is in pristine condition. As previously mentioned, the color combination is quite vibrant throughout and helps makes this truly a lovely piece.