The Pepper was one of the most important condiments that was created. It is probably second in importance only to salt on the dining room table.
Antique Silver Peppers originated in the 18th century when they were commonly known as Casters. Unlike salt which was taken out of an open vessel (at least until the early twentieth century), the pepper was shaken or ‘cast’ out of a vessel which contained the condiment. Pepper Casters always have finely pierced detachable lids and generally reside on circular feet. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the use of condiments on the table became more common. At this time, silver pepper pots would have been a luxury and a sign of wealth. The most popular styles were baluster, hexagonal, vase and lighthouse which has continued through today.
A very handsome set of 6 American Silver Pepper Casters residing on three shell feet. They have pull-off hand-pierced lids with gadroon edge borders. We are so pleased to have acquired this set of 6 American Silver Pepper Casters as they generally were made in either pairs or sets of 4.