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Antique Silver Coffee and Tea Items

The introduction of tea into England from China produced many beautiful silver pieces. If it was not for the instant popularity of tea, the world might have lost these splendid examples of superb craftsmanship. At first, tea was considered to be used for medicinal purposes. However, it became quite popular throughout Europe in the 1600s as a refreshment. The first complete tea service was made in England in about 1790 and it consisted of a teapot, sugar bowl, and a cream jug (creamer). During the latter part of the George III era, coffee pots were added to the service. It may be safe to assume that afternoon tea reached the height of its popularity during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837 – 1901). At this time, tea and coffee sets now became larger and more elaborate to reflect how special the occasion was. This was when the tea kettle with its’ stand and the waste bowl were introduced to the set. The extension of the tea and coffee service helped accommodate this more extravagant experience. It thus became quite fashionable for taking mid – afternoon tea at this time and it became a ritual. As tea is still so popular in London, some of the more established hotels have carried on this tradition to serve afternoon high tea. Now small cakes, scones, as well as sandwiches are served with high tea.

Antique George III English Silver Waste Bowl


A very attractive Antique George III, English Silver Waste Bowl. By the middle of the 18th Century, small circular or octagonal bowls were added to the serving of tea. Slop Bowls, as they were called, were used for pouring out the remaining tea which had …

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Antique Victorian Sterling Silver Tea Caddy


When tea was first introduced to England in the 1700s, it was an expensive commodity. In order to keep the tea safe as well as fresh, people use to store it in a tea chest or tea box, which later became known as a tea …

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Antique George III English Silver Teapot


Hester Bateman (1709 – 1794) was the most famous 18th century English female silversmith.  Hester was the daughter of John and Elizabeth Nedem. She married in 1732 (at the Church of St. Botolph’s, Aldergate, in the city of London) the goldsmith John Bateman, whereby together …

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Antique Queen Anne English Silver Coffee Pot


Early Coffee Pots made before 1730 were always plain without any chasing, and were often straight – sided or octagonal in shape. This stunning Antique Queen Anne English Silver Coffee Pot, follows the prevailing fashion of the period, as it is quite simple and elegant …

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Antique American Silver Sugar Basket


Perfect for tea time, an Antique Silver Sugar Basket is an elegant way to serve your sugar. During the 18th and 19th centuries, sugar baskets were used for the purpose of holding sugar for tea and coffee as well as sweetening foods. In today’s society, …

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Antique George III English Silver Sugar Basket


The Neoclassical style of silver originated in 1760 and continued until the Regency period (circa 1830) and used many classical motifs. Some of the designs that were quite popular at that time were palm leaves, garlands, and swags. This style of silver is synonymous with …

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Antique George III English Silver Teapot


A very handsome Neoclassical style Antique George III English Silver Teapot. It has an oval straight-sided body with hand-engraved upper and lower bands of floral work. This detail work resonates throughout the body. There is a plain cartouche on one side and on the other …

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Antique George III English Silver Coffee Pot


A very handsome Antique George III English Silver Coffee Pot, in pristine condition, having a plain round baluster body with applied gadroon borders. It features a wooden scroll handle and acanthus detailing to the spout. The hallmarks are quite clear on this lovely Antique English …

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