A lovely decorated Antique Chinese 19th century Brush Pot in the Rose Mandarin pattern. Brush pots were used by the literati – these were educated men in China dating back centuries. Called the literati, they spent their days engaged in writing, painting, calligraphy as well as studying past examples of these different art forms. They were revered due to their excellent work and thus lived very esteemed lives. To pursue these different forms of art, they used brushes which would be rinsed and stored in the pot with their handle down. This was done so the brushes could dry and not loose their shape and point. The first brush pots were made from bamboo and thus being China, bamboo was easily available. Even at this early stage, brush pots were always decorated with ornate motifs. Eventually porcelain was also used for these brush pots and of course, decorated quite extensively.
This wonderful Antique Chinese Rose Mandarin Brush Pot is vividly painted. Pinks, blues, greens, oranges, yellows and gilding help show off the two scenes as well as all the other decoration. The two scenes are of people – perhaps literati – within a house. Open lattice work helps define the houses and perhaps were done to help the brushes dry in the pot. Birds, flowers, and swirls are all located between the sections as well as at the top and bottom of the brush pot. The decoration is quite striking on this brush pot. It helps make this piece of porcelain one would love to own.