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Antique Silver Bowls

Sterling silver dinnerware has a prestigious history. In dinnerware, sterling silver bowls are one of the more frequently used items. In addition to being used at a dinner table, the shape and beauty of sterling silver bowls makes it a wonderful decorative object which can be used in several different ways. Their shape and natural luster makes a silver bowl great to be given as a gift, to be awarded as a trophy, or acquired because it appeals to ones self.

Throughout the world, sterling silver bowls are associated with elegance. Over the years, they have become both essential and quite important in a table setting at a formal event. Antique sterling silver bowls are sometimes highly decorative. The designs on the outside of a piece can be quite intricate consisting of plants, fruits or even people. This helps accentuate the workmanship of the bowl.

Antique American Sterling Silver Bowl


Antique Silver Bowls hold a major place in history. Bowls have been produced for thousands of years; however, it is very rare to find sterling silver examples prior to the 17th century. Often round but sometimes oval in shape, bowls were made in sizes varying …

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Antique English Silver Small Bowl


A very attractive Antique English Silver Small Bowl. Residing on a round pedestal base, this English silver bowl has two floral round cartouches. As both cartouches are plain, one can engrave either initials, a monogram or anything else which would personalize the bowl. Above each …

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Antique American Silver Bowl


Decoration on silver bowls varies depending upon when the piece was made. Many bowls were decorated with hand-chasing or engraving to reflect what they were used for e.g. flowers, fruit. However, there are some common styles that have been quite popular throughout history. These include: …

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Antique American Sterling Silver Bowl


A Bowl is a container that has been utilized throughout history for the preparation and serving of various foods and drinks. The form of a bowl makes it ideal for holding liquids and loose food. The shape of a bowl is most often round but …

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Antique English Silver Bowl on Stand


Sterling silver dinner ware has a prestigious history. Silver bowls are one of the more frequently used as well as favorite items within a set. While bowls have been produced for thousands of years, it is rare to find sterling silver examples prior to the …

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Antique George III English Silver Bowl


A very attractive Antique George III English Silver Bowl. It is quite elaborate in design with floral and scroll decoration which resonates throughout the exterior of the piece. The bowl has exceptional workmanship exemplified with the figural handles which are quite appealing. Residing on a …

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Antique American Silver Bowl


An exquisite Antique American Silver round shaped Bowl. The workmanship on this bowl consists of intricate repousse raised floral decoration. Also, exceptional scrollwork is placed near the top of the bowl as well as on the pedestal foot. This also helps show off its highly …

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