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Antique Silver Serving Pieces

We are pleased to offer a fine range of antique American and English sterling silver Serving Pieces. We have acquired a nice selection for you to choose from.

Antique George III English Silver Jam Spoon


Silversmiths began crafting silver jam spoons in the 19th century as the popularity of jams and preserves grew in Europe. With the increase of preserving fruits, these specialized spoons became essential tools for serving and enjoying sweet spreads during breakfast and at tea time. In …

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Antique American Tiffany and Company Silver Grape Scissors


Grape Scissors/Grape Shears have been gracing the tables of elegant dinner parties and assisting in grape harvesting for centuries. They bring a touch of sophistication and practicality to any occasion. They were introduced in the late 18th century and have always taken a scissor-form. These …

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Antique American Gorham Sterling Silver 2 Piece Carving Set


The Cromwell pattern by Gorham was patented in 1900. William Codman designed this pattern which consists of very elaborate edges and scroll piercing. This pattern was predominately designed for carving sets and other additional serving pieces such as berry spoons. A very attractive Antique American …

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Antique American Silver Fish Server


The Fish Server is a broad blade or trowel shaped article, most often used for dividing and serving fish at the table. The flat surface of the fish servers suggests that they can also be used with food such as cake and breads. The earliest …

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Antique George III English Silver Strainer Spoon


This Antique George III English Silver Strainer Spoon is a must for any collector. Basting Spoons are identical in form without the strainer, and are relatively common. Strainer Spoons like this are quite rare. An elegant Antique George III English Silver Strainer Spoon in the …

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Antique American Silver Punch Ladle


This very elegant 19th century American Silver Punch Ladle was made by the American silversmith Volney Boardman. Born in Franklin County, Ohio in 1810, he first learned the trade of watchmaking and jewelry in Ohio. He decided to relocate to Alabama in 1832 and settled …

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Antique George III English Sterling Silver Soup Ladle


The Fiddle pattern was the dominant flatware pattern in Great Britain in the 19th century. However, it came from a French pattern which had a thread edge design near the border. In Great Britain, this pattern became known as Fiddle & Thread and it quickly …

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Antique George III English Silver Hinged Serving Slice


A superb Antique George III English Silver Hinged Serving Slice in the ‘Hourglass’ pattern. This pattern was first produced around 1805 and was based on a French eighteenth-century design. It is a lovely combination of shells and scrolls, with an hourglass in the center. This …

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Antique George III Irish Silver Asparagus Tongs


Asparagus Tongs are an interesting item as their popularity has never diminished. This is the 21st century and we are still using them as often as they were used in the 18th and 19th centuries. Asparagus was first cultivated and consumed by the Ancient Romans …

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American Sterling Silver Crumber


Originating in Europe for the royalty and the aristocracy, crumbers were used to clean the table during the meal. Crumbers did not become widely used in America until the 19th century when dining became quite formal. Americans also believed it was important to behave in …

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English Silver Fish Server


A Fish Server was originally a serving implement, shaped basically like a trowel, and used for serving and dividing fish at a dinner table. The flat surface on a fish server suggests that it was intended for use with food such as meat, cake and …

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Antique American Silver Fish Slice


A fish slice is a wide flat blade used for lifting and turning food while cooking. It was originally a serving implement, shaped basically like a trowel, for use in serving and dividing fish at a dinner table. The earliest examples of fish slices were …

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Antique American Silver Fish Slice


The Fish Slice is a broad blade or trowel shaped server, most often used for dividing and serving fish at the table. The earliest examples of fish slices were made about 1735. We are thrilled to have recently acquired this elegant Antique American Tiffany and …

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Antique American Silver Soup Ladle


Antique Silver Soup Ladles were not in use until the mid-18th century. By this time, the Silver Soup Tureen had become quite popular and a companion was needed to be used with this article. A long silver serving utensil was needed which would have a …

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Antique American Silver Soup Ladle


A heavily elaborate Antique American Silver Soup Ladle in the Versailles pattern. This pattern was created in 1888 by Gorham’s chief designer, Antoine Heller. Gorham was so impressed with his work that they convinced him to leave Tiffany and Company and design for them instead. …

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Last Minute Gifts! 🎁

Greetings from Wyler Antiques!

We hope that everyone is having a wonderful Holiday season. No matter what holiday you celebrate, here are several more suggestions for those who still need last-minute gifts. Hopefully, this helps you at this busy time of the year.

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